Needling Technique

jolly roger
Sat, 23 Jun 2001 10:50:16 -0500

>Roger...yousa gonna have to take a trip to Europe and shows these fellows and
>gals what this is all about...grin..
Hi Ric,
            Sounds like a good idea.  I am sure they would be welcome to
the New Zealand convention in Oct.  Now I wonder if they could handle 3
days of regulation and voicing?  I will be doing comparisons.  
Last year at the national convention I did a comparison on a new C3 with 6
old hammers and shanks. 3 voiced with steam 3 with traditional methods.
<G>   A lot of wide eyed class participants.  Matched old hammers with new,
and both methods of voicing.
The match would not be called a concert voicing, but close enough that the
average musician would not have noticed some thing amiss.
All in the name of fun, and a way to improve a piano's musicality on a
tight budget.
Regards Roger

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