Streaks in Cedar (OT)

Warren Fisher
Sat, 23 Jun 2001 10:21:58 -0500

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Is the wood rough or smooth?  The discoloration could be several things
like stuff dissolved in the water, or changes in the wood caused by
wetting.  Wood cleaners seem to work by carrying finish stain from the
surrounding area into the affected area, but they also change the
general coloration so that you have to do a large area to keep it from
standing out.  If the surface is smooth, I would do some light sanding
first to see if you could blend it.   You may have to bite the bullet
and put a deck finish on it.


Paul wrote:

> ListHas any one had any experience removing water streaks from cedar?
> We had a roof leak and water ran down an unfinished cedar wall. I'm
> tempted to try a wood cleaner that is used for cleaning cedar decks.
> Any advice will be appreciated. Paul Chick

Warren Fisher RPT

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