Workin' for the Dealer

Glenn Grafton
Thu, 21 Jun 2001 10:41:21 -0400

>What is the protocol for situations such as the following: I recommended to
>a woman who was looking for a new piano that she consider the Yamaha. She
>bought a new T121 from the local dealer. He called me and asked if I would
>like to do his warranty tuning (the free tuning she gets with the new
>piano). I said "sure". I tuned it the other day. This is the only work I
>have done for this dealer in more than a year. He's a pretty decent guy.
>Pretty nice piano except for a few loose bridge pins that are producing
>prominent false beats and a heavy key touchweight that ranges from 60 to 70
>grams downweight.
>I consider these characteristics in a new piano to be defects that need
>correction. If I bought this piano new, I would want to know of them. What
>information is commonly given to the piano owner and/or dealer in a
>situation such as this?
>Terry Farrell

Two approaches I've seen.

1)The tuner throws his arms up and says that there are major problems 
that the dealer and manufacturer will have to be contacted about. 
Customer of course at that point starts thinking they got a lemon.

2) The tuner goes ahead and makes the needed repairs then and there 
and gives the bill to the dealer for the repairs-or schedules another 
time that he can take care of it. If a part is needed it's ordered. 
If authorization from the manufacturer is needed that's taken care of 
as well, calmly and as a matter of procedure.

As to how it usually plays out, it depends on;
The relationship the tuner has with the dealer.
How committed the dealer is to customer satisfaction.
The ability of the tuner to do the repairs/adjustments.

We give our tuners a lot of lee way in what they do and expect them 
to take care of any problems, whether the customer notices/complains 
about them or not. Everyone's happier in the end and it doesn't hurt 
our reputation either.
Glenn Grafton
Grafton Piano & Organ Co.
1081 County Line Rd.
Souderton PA 18964

The box said "Requires Windows 95, or better." So I bought a Macintosh.

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