Piano choice. Thoughts please

jolly roger baldyam@sk.sympatico.ca
Thu, 21 Jun 2001 10:17:58 -0500

>Your comments about octaves 5 & 6 on the Bosendorfer are similart to what
>was said by Jeff lloyd, the tuner who was in tuning the Fazioli.  he spoke
>about the ned to do a second pass there when tuning.  I do always find the
>sound of Bosendorfers on recordings quite exciting tho. I've got a couple
>of CD's of Faziolis but they don't sparkle in the recordings somehow.
Hi David,
              You are right about the Bossy and recordings, but heres how I
see it.
The recording engineer has a lot of options when mixing,  our University
concert grand is used quite often by CBC for recordings, the sound on tape
has no resemblence to what is going on in the hall.   The bass is rolled
off a little to get the desired balance, and the treble is tweeked. Often
the pianist will choose this piano and compensate through their playing,
but it takes that extra level of skill.  I hear comments like nice piano
when you get used to it.  But should it be that way.
I find them a high maintainance piano, to keep them sounding good.  You
will also need a highly skilled tech to keep them good.  This should be a
I am not sure if it is the kerfed rim or the string termination that causes
the treble weakness.  But gut feel tends to tell me it is the rim
My whole thing with these pianos is the balance.

>What do you all think about Steinway AS or secondhand B?

I am not familiar with the AS,  but some of the finest pianos I have seen
have been lovingly rebuilt Steinway B's.  In the hands of the right
rebuilder an exceptional instrument.  But each has to be judged by it's own

Hope this may help.

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