Workin' for the Dealer

Thu, 21 Jun 2001 07:34:23 -0400

What is the protocol for situations such as the following: I recommended to
a woman who was looking for a new piano that she consider the Yamaha. She
bought a new T121 from the local dealer. He called me and asked if I would
like to do his warranty tuning (the free tuning she gets with the new
piano). I said "sure". I tuned it the other day. This is the only work I
have done for this dealer in more than a year. He's a pretty decent guy.

Pretty nice piano except for a few loose bridge pins that are producing
prominent false beats and a heavy key touchweight that ranges from 60 to 70
grams downweight.

I consider these characteristics in a new piano to be defects that need
correction. If I bought this piano new, I would want to know of them. What
information is commonly given to the piano owner and/or dealer in a
situation such as this?

Terry Farrell

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