bass string differences

Iņaki Coello
Thu, 21 Jun 2001 04:37:09 -0700

I used to order them to a spanish piano technician hat got the machine for doin them. He used to do it very well, but he chose another copper distributor, and the resul were terrible: lower quality and a sound like if three kilograms of flies were flying into the copper.. Since them I decided to order them to Heller Bass in Germany. The spanis maker used the measurements of the string. Heller needs the measurements of several parts oin the piano directly. I guess the machines Heler own are much beter and new that the madrid technician because he is spesialised in bass string making and I think is his main work. The price, including post, is lower even from germany than from Madrid.
Iņaki Coello Gōmez

> "David Love" <> bass string differencesDate: Thu, 21 Jun 2001 08:14:39 -0000
>How would you characterize the tonal differences (if any) between the 
>various bass string manufacturers, and to what do you attribute those 
>David Love
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