
Richard Moody
Thu, 21 Jun 2001 01:53:31 -0500

----- Original Message -----
From: antares <antares@EURONET.NL>
To: <>
Sent: Sunday, June 17, 2001 9:04 AM
Subject: alligatored

| > Say does "moody" really mean "out of tune" in Dutch?  Or was
| > pulling my leg?
| > ---wondering ric
| Zey vur puhlink yor lekk, mein Freund!

They are pulling your leg, my friend   ??    Say Dutch is easy....
| It is a misinterpretation of the word stemming (in German :
| because (and this is silly about the Dutch language) we have a
| meaning for the word 'stemming'.
| one is mood, and the other means tuning.
| Now I am not a learned person, anybody can tell that immediately
except my
| best paying customers (; .....but according to me all this fuss
| stemming and mood etc has (possibly) to do with the word stem which
| voice.
| A literal translation of voicing would be 'stemmen'.. to give it a
voice, a
| stem.
| On the other hand, if I would say in English : I am in an unpleasant
| the Dutch translation could be "Ik ben ontstemd" dis-voiced..without
| voice.
| Stemmen also means : to vote.. to bring out your 'voice'
| Lastly, there is "stemmingmakerij" : the making of mood
| Mood is stemming, but not the 'Stimmung'
| Out if tune in Dutch could be :
| Vals (false)
| Ontstemd (with a double meaning)
| innit fun?
| Antares,

For some reason I thought there was a word in Dutch like "mood" or
moody" that meant out of tune.   I began to wonder if my English
origins then were actually Dutch.  Could "Moody" have come from the
Netherlands?   After all in a near by community settled by many Dutch
in 1900 there are names with oo like Boom, Cool
Degroot, Tooley, Vanderboom, etc. (no Roosevelts though).   There was
much crossing the Channel of the English and Dutch.   The Moody family
has been on this side of the "pond" since 1768 with a grant from Geo
III so if there is a Dutch connection it is lost in the mists of
e.    ---ric

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