Tuning pin sleeves.

Dave Nereson dnereson@dimensional.com
Thu, 21 Jun 2001 01:00:39 -0600

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  ----- Original Message -----=20
  From: John Ross=20
  To: pianotech@ptg.org=20
  Sent: Wednesday, June 20, 2001 4:05 PM
  Subject: Tuning pin sleeves.

  Hi List,
  I just read where someone, recommended, tuning pin sleeves,
  for loose tuning pins.
  I personally, have never used them, after my first try with them
  25 years ago. I threw the ones I had away, as I was unsatisfied with=20
  the result, I found that with the metal to metal they would not hold.
  Are they still a recommended fix for loose tuning pins?
  Has anyone actually, used them and been satisfied with the results?
  Did I possibly use them the wrong way, and have been unjust in
  my condemnation of them?
  John M. Ross
  Windsor, Nova Scotia, Canada

  They're not the greatest, but if you don't have any oversize pins in =
your kit or in the car, and if the pin is really loose, they'll "get you =
out of the house".  Sometimes they're too thick and you can't even drive =
the original pin back in.  And if the hole is really worn, sometimes =
they're not thick enough -- depends on the wood, type of block, what the =
present humidity is, etc.  Oh, and usually the lip that's supposed to =
keep it from going too far into the hole doesn't work at all.  They're =
more for "emergencies", in my opinion.  --Dave Nereson, RPT

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