Tuning pin sleeves.

Ron Nossaman RNossaman@KSCABLE.com
Wed, 20 Jun 2001 17:54:26 -0500

>I personally, have never used them, after my first try with them
>25 years ago. I threw the ones I had away, as I was unsatisfied with 
>the result, I found that with the metal to metal they would not hold.

Likewise, and I've found them in toolboxes in every single tuner's
(professional or hobbyist) estate since. They always looked really old
though, so they may not have actually been used - just carried around for
thirty years or so. 

>Are they still a recommended fix for loose tuning pins?

I had hoped not, but they're still in the Schaff catalog.

>Did I possibly use them the wrong way, and have been unjust in
>my condemnation of them?

Maybe so. You didn't actually try to install one in a piano, did you? If
so, then that's where you made your mistake. I don't think they're for
installing, only for carrying around. Perhaps as a reminder.

Ron N

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