Another new tool

Ron Nossaman
Tue, 19 Jun 2001 16:39:53 -0500

How is life in the limbo between two measuring systems treating you these
days? A couple of weeks ago, I bought a new tool some of you might find
useful if you're in this position as I am.
Harbor Freight Tools, 6" dial caliper ( 40926-OVGA ) measures in 0.001" AND
0.02mm increments with two scales and two pointers on the same dial face.
Cost $20. It's quite reasonably well made, and accurate. It comes in a
sturdy padded ABS (?) plastic case with actual molded and pinned hinges.
For anyone needing quick high precision measurements in inches and/or
millimeters with an easy readout of both at the same time - this seems like
a reasonable deal. Having used it in the shop for a while, I like it. It's
probably saved me $17.50 worth of time figuring conversions already, so I
expect to break even on it by the end of the week.

for a picture.

Ron N

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