Action Models

Joel Jones jajones2@FACSTAFF.WISC.EDU
Tue, 19 Jun 2001 16:35:55 -0500

> Hello List.  Does anyone have a used vertical and grand action model that
> you do not use and would wish to sell.  I'm interested in purchasing both
> action models.
> Regards, Gordon Holley,Goshen, IN
> or
 If you are going to Reno, you will receive a vertical action model for
taking my hand-on vertical regulation class.   You do the assembly,
alignment , regulation, and when it works you take it home,.
   Otherwise contact me directly and I'll see if there are other suggestions
that might work for you.
-- Joel A. Jones
Senior Piano Technician
1501 Humanities Building
455 North Park Street
Madison, WI  53706
FAX 608 - 262 - 8876
608 - 263 - 1887

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