cleaning plate web (was vacuums)

David Ilvedson
Tue, 19 Jun 2001 08:49:27 -0700

Sounds like a good idea if it doesn't promote rust...

David I.

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On 6/19/01 at 7:54 AM Jon Ralinovsky wrote:

>>I am enjoying the comments on this thread. I have the Spurlock tools and
>>they work great for there a system one uses to
>>the tuning pin area of a Grand piano?..almost seems fruitless to get the
>>soundboard clean again and not have a method to get the 'nasties' from
>>of the tuning pin area.
>>any thoughts?
>Hi Phil,
>One suggestion from Dan Levitan's class, The New York City Tool Kit: 
>Use Extra-Dry Woolite carpet cleaner.  Spray the Woolite between the 
>pins and brush (or vacuum, I assume) out.  I can't speak from 
>experience, but it sounds as if it's a good method.  Of course, you 
>could always use compressed air...
>Jon Ralinovsky
>Piano Technician
>Department of Music
>Miami University

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