polyester case parts

David Ilvedson ilvey@jps.net
Tue, 19 Jun 2001 08:50:39 -0700

Kawai uses plastic for parts of the finish on grands.  The strip just under
the keyslip, front and sides is a thick piece of plastic.  

David I.

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On 6/19/01 at 10:38 AM Clyde Hollinger wrote:

>Yesterday as I working on a high-gloss black Yamaha U1 vertical piano
>which was made about two years ago, I discovered something that
>surprised me.  The vertical case part between the kneeboard and the side
>was formed out of a piece of polyester (I presume), probably about 1/8"
>thick.  You reach around that part expecting to find a solid member, and
>your fingers contact mostly air.
>The only other times I can recall running into "plastic" case parts were
>the sides of an 1973 Estey console and the inserts in the top front
>panel of a church-style studio.  Are there other piano manufacturers
>that put plastic (polyester, whatever) parts where we normally find wood
>or at least a wood composite?  Is this good, bad, or of no consequence
>either way?
>Regards, Clyde

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