CA and Bridgepins

Richard Brekne
Sun, 17 Jun 2001 13:28:48 +0200

Hi folks..

Got a question about an alternative to epoxy and CA glue for this
kind of fix of bridgepins. A good freind / tech who has been at the
Schimmel factory for his basic training was taught to use a mixture
of white wood glue thined just a bit with water to glue size as it
were balance rail / front rail pin holes in the case they got a bit

He likes to do things as he was taught...but he decided to give this
kind of bridge pin fix a shot. The bridge was not visably cracked
anywhere... well a couple small ones ... but this old S&S had lots
of falsness we could attribute to the bridge pins. So he decided to
pull all the pins, drip in a bit of this thinned white glue and
re-insert the origional pins. The falsness dissapeared completely..
this thing sounds now clean as a whistle.

What I am wondering is how this  particular glue in this useage will
hold up in the long run... any thoughts ?

Richard Brekne
Bergen, Norway

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