Yamaha CP80B action

Jason Stelzel epigraf@earthlink.net
Sat, 16 Jun 2001 14:55:24 -0700

I'm considering a purchase of a Yamaha CP70B or CP80B and I read somewhere
about a reference to one version of it having a "Vienna action" or something
like that.  Does anyone have any info regarding how I might be able to tell
what action a piano has and what the difference is -- I like very fast
action (using the ability to repeat a single note quickly) and was curious
if anyone had any insights as to which action provides a faster, lighter
touch. I'd also be interested in hearing any servicing stories that may be
relevant -- I've heard both that they stay in tune well and that they always
need tuning (though I think I've heard more about how stable they are).
Thanks in advance.

Jason Stelzel

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