Soundboard Evaluation

Richard Brekne
Fri, 15 Jun 2001 14:45:43 +0200

Farrell wrote:

> I clearly feel a new soundboard is needed to bring the piano up to its
> potential. But, playing devil's advocate, most of the board has good crown -
> why not just recap the bridges and put in appropriate downbearing - although
> admittedly this would be tough in the high treble where there is already a
> flat board - although hard to measure the little bit of crown that
> would/should be there.
> I say if the plate is coming out for new bridge caps, give it a new board
> also - otherwise they will likely have a very lackluster bla piano.
> Waddayasay???
> Terry Farrell

Not wanting to stir anybodies drinks.... I thought everyone just got convinced
that it was just as fine to simply re-rib the old panel. So why not just remove
the ribs, machine crown them and glue the whole thing back togther with renewed
crown and save the expense and environmental concerns of cutting down a new


Richard Brekne
Bergen, Norway

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