Soundboard Evaluation

Richard Brekne
Fri, 15 Jun 2001 14:51:56 +0200

Ron Nossaman wrote:

> >I knew their was plenty of crown and couldn't understand how those readings
> >could be so low. I had him tap down all the strings ( front and  back of
> >bridge) and we ended up with considerable bearing.
> >Anyhow those are my 2 cents.
> >Tom Servinsky,RPT
> Huh? How does that work. It doesn't compute from any direction I can think of.
> Ron N

I have seen this happen as well Ron... useing one of those little downbearing
gauges... they are kind of short right ??... taping down the strings at the pins
doesnt necessarily change anything at the middle of the bridge (smack inbetween
front and back bridgepins). So you can get more apparent downbearing readings this
if the strings at the bridge pins are lowered and the center remains unchanged.

or what ?

Richard Brekne
Bergen, Norway

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