
Graeme Harvey gharvey@netsource.co.nz
Thu, 14 Jun 2001 21:28:45 +1200


>So what do you tell this kind of person... you try and make sure
>they know what they are doing...what they are getting into...for
>sure... But I would be really interested in anyones opinion who
>wants to have a go at putting themselves in these shoes... what do
>you do ?

I have a similar situation on the go presently. An old German upright,
belonged to my clients mother who passed away two weeks prior. The client
requested me quote restoration work on a piano I would normally walk past
without getting involved in. She had spoken to another tech who refused
(over the phone) to even view the instrument and referred to me. After
chatting for a while it turns out that the piano meant a lot to her mother
and having it done up was going to be the last thing the daughter was able
to do for her mother, (or in memory of her mother).
I have made it very clear that economically it is a total waste of money,
she will never be able to recoup etc etc, but because she was insistent (and
I'm able and happy to do the work she wants)  I have quoted to do the work
adding on the quote that it was uneconomic etc.

She called me last week to accept the quote, and I reitterated the cost
versus value thing, but she is so happy to have someone do the work. So what
can one say?

At the end of the day we are here to serve our customers. We have an
obligation to give them accurate, honest and helpful information when they
seek our services. If they have the information and still choose to pursue a
repair that might seem a waste of time and money to us, then we should go
ahead happily. If at the outset you don't want the work (and there are
probably many techs that wouldn't) then say so at the start and don't get as
far as quoting.

To me it is another job, treated the same as I would any other and the
customer will get the same level of service and attention.

That my opinion in this situation and I've never been in trouble for it.

Graeme Harvey
New Plymouth
New Zealand

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