Rolled bridge - update

Thomas Sheehan
Thu, 14 Jun 2001 00:48:51 -0400

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Dear colleagues -=20

First of all, my sincere appreciation and thanks to all who responded =
with the typically generous eloquence of this list. I have learned a lot =
from your observations and discussion.=20

I now understand that it's a problem of the soundboard, not the bridge. =
When the piano was restrung, the bearing was "reset". I'm not sure what =
that means in detail, but I am assuming that the height of the plate =
relative to the soundboard and bridge was changed. I am going to get the =
Lowell db gauge, and investigate further. I will also investigate the =
condition of the crown with multiple measurements with string from =
underneath the board. Both of these are excellent suggestions.=20

The bridge was not recapped when the stringing was done. Nor was the =
board replaced.=20

I had originally envisioned that the friction of the strings against the =
bridge pins had somehow "grabbed" the bridge and pulled it forward - =
hence the term "rolled bridge." It's a phrase that a number of the PTG =
elders used to use up in New England. Now, thanks to all of you, I =
realize that they might have been in error.=20

I'll update the list about the investigation when it's complete.

Thank you all again for your comments and advice!


Tom Sheehan

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