
Duplexdan@AOL.COM Duplexdan@AOL.COM
Thu, 14 Jun 2001 00:37:28 EDT

If i may I'd like to jump in on transducer, Del.My old Webster's New 
collegiate Dictionary , last printing 1950, has this definition:

A device actuated by poe\wer from one system and supplying power to a second 

It would seem that the transducing characteristic of the soundboard that Del 
points out is absolutely correct. The only question I feel that mitigates the 
renaming of the board from amlifier to transducer is :

What kind of power? There is no question that the board transduces the power 
from the strings to the bridge to the board. But the effect of the 
transduction is exactly to amplify the sound of the strings, is it not?

Dan Franklin, RPT

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