was - Is age a factor?/Gray Yamahas

Ralph & Frances Thorn pianoralph@sympatico.ca
Wed, 13 Jun 2001 17:33:09 -0400

The Japanese domestic market consumes much of Yamaha's Hamamatsu
production capacity, and the pianos that sell there and generally
elsewhere in Asia are the large uprights from U1 up.  Perhaps the
smaller uprights have made inroads into the local market, but when I
was there you only saw big uprights.  Consoles (and for a while the
spinets) were created for the European and N.American market.  Their
product line for Japan is quite different from their export - many
more cabinet and finish options available without special order.
Grands in every colour imaginable!  Yech!  The first piano I saw in
the main factory was a bright yellow C7.

Gray market pianos refer to used Yamahas and Kawais, and some Atlas
and Toyo instruments, sent here from Japan.  The public there does not
buy used products, so thus the great exodus.  Watch for the "old
style" (or standard European) upright butts with plate as this seems
to be still in use for the local product.  I just tuned one with a
serial number of 4 million with these butts.  Pins loose already after
one good Canadian winter.  Some houses in Japan have auxiliary
kerosene heaters or cookstoves - their fumes will corrode any brass or
copper product.  Watch for jack and butt springs ready to fall apart,
and black bass strings.

Ralph Thorn

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