Cabinetry Question

Phil Bondi
Wed, 13 Jun 2001 17:16:16 -0400

Today's question involves a 1921 G. Steck.

I needed to get to the action to perform some minor surgery on a wayward
hammer flange.

After figuring out that there was more than 1 screw per cheek block(a total
of 3 in the right one), then I had to try and figure out how the key cover
on this one came off.

I still haven't figured it out. Usually with pianos of this vintage, they
were connected to the cheek blocks. Not this one. This one seemed to be
connected to the cabinet by 2 pins at either end of the Key Cover, but no
real 'slot' to lift, or pull, or whatever, to get the dang thing off. It
seemed as if it was a permenant connection, somehow spring-loaded.

I was able to move the action back far enough to make the repair, but this
key cover has me scratching my ever-balding head.

What did I miss?


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