Leg Plate Screw Anchors

Ron Nossaman RNossaman@KSCABLE.com
Wed, 13 Jun 2001 07:20:22 -0500

>I would need new screws - where do you get bigger screws
>like plate screws and leg plate screws? 

APSCO, now Schaff.

>Another concern I have about screws
>is that oak & maple are so hard, I should think they really need to be
>tapped to make threads - how does one do that? It might not be any more
>difficult to use the inserts or T-nuts as someone else mentioned.
>Waddaya think?
>Terry Farrell

I think T-nuts are great for keeping legs and lyres attached to keybeds,
but wood screws are just fine for leg plate screws. This is oak, after all.
I make a habit of checking leg and lyre plates of anything that comes into
the shop and tightening screws or remounting as necessary. If the wood is
hard, there isn't a problem. Besides, how are you going to get t-nuts in
the legs? As to how to get the screws into the hard wood... do you install
pinblocks? Wood is wood and hard is hard, though hardwood isn't -
necessarily - but drilling the appropriately sized pilot hole and getting a
screw into it solidly is something you already know how to do. No sweat.
The plate would probably break before the screws pull out from just over
stressing. Age and termites are something different.

And by all means, sell them a stage truck!

Ron N

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