Flood Damage Advice

Greg Newell gnewell@ameritech.net
Tue, 12 Jun 2001 16:55:54 -0400

    I'll second this from Patrick. This ones already gone. Forget the box
fan. Prepare the customer to wave goodbye as it's hauled to the dump. It's a
good thing they have good insurance! I expect you'll be seeing this a lot in
the days to come.


P.S. I'm glad you're o.k.! Thanks for the "coverage" it's amazing how little
we received on our local news. :(

Patrick C Poulson wrote:

> Avery: I feeling is that this piano is a goner.  There's no telling what
> will happen to this poor thing as the glues joints gradually weaken, the
> metal parts rust and corrode, and this process will continue for quite a
> while. Replacement would seem to me to be the only reliable alternative.
> There must be lots of pianos in this or worse shape after this flood.  I
> hope they all were insured!
> Patrick Poulson, RPT

Greg Newell
Greg's Piano Forté
12970 Harlon Ave.
Lakewood, Ohio 44107

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