Flood Damage Advice

Avery Todd avery@ev1.net
Tue, 12 Jun 2001 15:56:06 -0500

Hi Patrick,

This is my general feeling also. Thanks for the reply.


P.S. You're right. I'm sure there are many pianos out
there as bad as this or worse. One I saw on the news
at a hospital in the Medical Center, was TOTALLY

At 01:41 PM 06/13/01 -0700, you wrote:
>Avery: I feeling is that this piano is a goner.  There's no telling what
>will happen to this poor thing as the glues joints gradually weaken, the
>metal parts rust and corrode, and this process will continue for quite a
>while. Replacement would seem to me to be the only reliable alternative.
>There must be lots of pianos in this or worse shape after this flood.  I
>hope they all were insured!
>Patrick Poulson, RPT

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