Baldwin Chapter 11

Larry Fisher
Mon, 11 Jun 2001 20:27:09 -0700

Hi all,

I just got a notice in the mail that says Baldwin P & O is having their
problems.  Baldwin, Wurlitzer and Baldwin Trading are all in Chapter 11
bankruptcy.  For those of you who didn't get this notice, you have until
October 4, 2001 to file a claim with them.  If I understand the mumbo-jumbo
on the back of the notice, Chap 11 is a reoganization process ........  as
opposed to Chap 13 which I would venture a guess is total liquidation.
Chap 11 allows for some dismissal of debt, and eased repayment policies for

Fortunately, I'm totally reimbursed at the moment.  My recent
discontinuance of service for the local Baldwin dealer would appear to be
quite timely at the moment.

Baldwin has gone through financial turmoil before during the recession in
the 70's.  History does indeed have a repetative nature to it eh??

Care to buy some Baldwin stock??


                               Larry Fisher RPT
   specialist in players, retrofits, and other complicated stuff
            Beau Dahnker pianos work best under water

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