Was/broken plate bolt

Wilsons wilson53@marshall.edu
Mon, 11 Jun 2001 23:21:21 -0400

People use varnish not only to assist driving the pins, but also so the
tuning pins will be tighter when it dries.  Don't know as I'd try it in
this application when there's soap or beeswax, or the screws may be
impossible to remove by next tech -- or by you if you forget something
along the way.

Wally Wilson

At 05:21 PM 6/11/01 -0500, you wrote:
>>Is a little soap on the threads of a plate screw
>>to aid installation an acceptable practice.
>>                           Dave Renaud
>I don't know why not, or a little varnish for that matter, for the same
>reasons some folks use it on tuning pins. 
>Ron N

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