(no subject)

Richard Brekne rbrekne@broadpark.no
Sun, 10 Jun 2001 22:04:40 +0200

Now why did I know this one was comming.... hehe.... there is one remaining me

as for the rest of my reply... it will be cordial..and it will be in private.

kam544@flash.net wrote:

> >...Now as you have found it so very neccessary to drag this otherwise
> >interesting exchange of human views and ideas into the personal slurs
> >areana... I will refuse further escalation in that direction. So bash away
> >since you seem to need to... I hope its er... good for you..
> >
> >Grin.
> >
> >Richard Brekne
> First, let me preface my forthcoming remarks with the word .........
> Grin.
> "...Personal slurs, bash away, you seem to need to, good for you...".  How
> convenient, Richard.
> Grin.  You are an internet mystery and master of such things.  If you don't
> know it, that would be a shame because you are so good at it.  If you do
> know it, that would be a demonstration of strategy implemented to gain
> something of perceived value.  Or a little mix of both, who's to really
> know?
> Grin.  You are the pot calling the kettle black.  When it doesn't go your
> way, accuse the other person of doing what you have already done by
> proclaiming some imagined improprieties on their part.  At least, that's
> the conjecture from my terminal anyway.
> Grin.  That's a great word, Richard.  Thank you for introducing and sharing
> it as a means of discounting import.  It has proven to be quite educational
> for me.
> Grin.
> Keith McGavern
> PS
>  >"The greatest fate an hypothesis can suffer is to be proven wrong"
> >Albert Einstein... or somebody like him...
> Grin.  Is this quote you give wacky weed lingo (blowing smoke), or can it
> be proven?

Richard Brekne
Bergen, Norway

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