It won't be a Steinway anymore!
Sun, 10 Jun 2001 15:27:11 -0500

>        The difference in longevity  between Violins and Pianos could be
>as simple as the fact that one is a  percussive instrument, and one is a
>bowed instrument.     Hey, I'd be in better shape  after 100 years of
>being stroked, as opposed to 100 years of being hammered.  Wouldn't you?
Kevin Ramsey<
>...I personally firmly believe that any wooden instrument has the
>potential      to mature in a positive or negative manner... all dependant
>on how its      treated...
Richard Brekne<

As a belly/gut/mid riff type person (tks to André), this resonates with my
diaphragm, uh, I mean, is an extremely sound supposition.

Keith McGavern
Registered Piano Technician
Oklahoma Chapter 731
Piano Technicians Guild

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