Pure Sound Wire

Clark caccola@net1plus.com
Sat, 09 Jun 2001 11:59:02 -0100


> but then this piano has A = 435 stamped into it.

PS wire isn't much different like, from Röslau in density, and pitch is
only one variable to tension - run a scale analysis. (hint: speaking

One thing I noticed running Cabré's figures is there's a big jump in
breaking strength between Rose D (harder drawn C?) and Pure Sound, at
least one scale I've checked might have been right between - still, I
don't know if there's anything to scaling close to proportional limits
other than highest practical tension. Tensile strength pick up looks a
little ragged, and on average is less pronounced than Rose's or even
modern stuff (not that it's important if you're using only one size for
the entire compass...)

Haven't tried it yet, maybe soon.


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