Pure Sound Wire

Ron Nossaman RNossaman@KSCABLE.com
Sat, 09 Jun 2001 09:26:04 -0500

>Has anyone used the new Pure Sound stainless steel piano wire yet? What type
>of piano. What kind of results? Even if you have not used it, any thoughts?
>I'm temped to try it, but not until I can get some idea of what to expect.
>Terry Farrell
>From what I gather the tensile strength of the stainless Pure-Sound wire is 
>lower than carbon.  So if you have a carbon string at say 60% of it breaking 
>tension the same string in stainless would be at a higher break point 
>percent.  So I gather that scaling is a big consideration... I.E. low 
>tension scales only for this stuff!  Does the manufacturer supply tech 
>support and info?  I've heard glowing reports of the tone with the stainless 
>wire but also many reports of string breakage...

You guys are neglecting your Journals. The July 2000 issue has an article
"The Industrial Revolution and Piano Wire" with tables for gauges/diameters
and breaking strengths.

Ron N

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