The bottom line versus integrity

Phil Bondi
Fri, 8 Jun 2001 07:31:25 -0400

>From Clyde:

>For the few who want no
> interaction, who want just "do your job, take your pay and go," well,
> that just leaves me feeling a little cheated, for some reason.

why?'s most likely not your's their way of doing business, not
necessarily yours. I'll go out on a limb here and say most of us are like
Clyde in many respects:..casual friends..might know them on a first name
basis, say hello in the grocery store, etc. .. that to me is confidence in
one's ability. .. making the customer happy.

>  Of course we all
> look for the service people who are inexpensive, good at their craft,
> AND trustworthy.  That's when we feel we hit the jackpot.

unfortunately, there's not many jackpots left out there..that's not trying
to be cynical..just facts as they relate to myself.


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