Fw: Steinway blemishes/ soft laquers

Erwinpiano Erwinpiano@email.msn.com
Thu, 7 Jun 2001 18:40:48 -0700

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    I have used the Steinway black which is produced by Walter wurdack =
in St. Louis.  It is truly a black,black which is good but it is not =
designed to get really hard like other nitro-cell products which is a =
downer.  This is why the blanket imprints etc.  It is designed to be =
sprayed at about 140degrees.  It is also difficult to sand as the cure =
time is long unless warm dry conditions are present.

   Dale Erwin

----- Original Message -----=20
To: pianotech@ptg.org=20
Sent: Thursday, June 07, 2001 8:57 AM
Subject: Re: Steinway blemishes


      Last year, I spoke with Mike of Kearney Movers (out of New Jersey) =

when his company was moving a CFIII from New York for me. He said that=20
because of DEQ regulations, Steinway has been forced to reformulate =
finish, and that it does not seem to cure as quickly or as hard as the=20
previous formula. He moves a lot of Steinways across country, and after =
blanket wrapped, the blankets leave an impression on the finish, which =
course makes the customer unhappy, and they blame the moving company. =
So, it=20
sounds like you're not the Lone Ranger on this issue.=20

Just My Two Cents=20

Greg Boles=20
Baton Rouge, LA=20

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