Deceptive Advertising

J Patrick Draine
Thu, 7 Jun 2001 12:16:33 -0400

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>   I hope that some day we will look back and be appalled that it 
>went on as long as it did. 
>Lance Lafargue, RPT

While I'm annoyed by it too, this didn't start yesterday. Dozens of 
Boston and New York piano companies' name rights were bought up by 
American-Aeolian in the 1920s and 1930s, and those labels were placed 
on mediocre spinets and consoles which came out their Memphis plant, 
until their bankruptcy in the early 1980s.
It's commonplace in many other industries (you don't believe Buicks 
and Pontiacs are being made by the folks who started the companies do 
you?; cassette or CD players with labels once revered by Americans 
are certainly made in China, Mexico, or Indonesia, and the 
corporations behind the logo are probably offshore too).
At any rate, it's a problem in many, many industries.

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