Finger Prints on Little Baldwin Grand

Wed, 6 Jun 2001 20:01:22 -0400

Serviced a little itty-bitty 1989 4' 11" Baldwin grand piano #B290249 (is
the "B" a model number?) today (on the fallboard in the lower right-hand
corner it said "Classic"). It had finger prints all over its design, and I
think they may belong to Del Fandrich! I suppose many of you have seen these
and other similar pianos, but this was a first for me. It was really cool to
see so many of the features Del talks about in his small piano design
classes. Below are a number of the features I noted:

- ribs not set into notches in rim (ribs do not extend to the rim)
- ribs set in radial pattern
- 3-ply laminated soundboard (spruce?)
- raised hitch pins (not accu-hitch)
- no plate bushings for tuning pins- stringing felt only on bass strings
- inner and outer rim held together (at least in part) with about a zillion
screws (what's this all about?)
- bass bridge has no apron (attached directly to soundboard
- bass bridge has cut-away base for fist 9 strings (not attached to
- bass bridge curve reversed from common direction- no framing under piano

It was really interesting to examine. Didn't sound too bad for a little
weeny piano. Would I be insulting anyone if I said that it sounded A LOT
better than a Kimball LaPetite (the goofy music desk reminded my of the
Kimball - really, that's all!). Anyway, I had fun with it trying to find all
of Del's finger prints.

Did I miss any? Did I misinterpret any? Fire away at me if I'm way out in
left field Del.

Terry Farrell

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