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pianolover 88
Wed, 06 Jun 2001 08:49:31 -0700

> > customer asks me how  much I charge to tune a piano I tell them its $55
> > the tuning(if that's all the piano needs) and a $45 dollar call out fee.
> > People are use to being charged a call out fee

> > > Tom Cole
> > > formerly of The Valley

I failed to mention that this was a "warranty tuning" so the customer gets 
the first tuning free. If it HAD been a private tuning, I surely would have 
left a bill at the door for the cost of the tuning!

Oh, I never "break down" my tuning cost as above; if my customer(s) happens 
to live on the very same block (i have three), then i could not justify a 
"call-out" fee, or at least it would not be very credible, so i simply quote 
my fees: $100 (sometines more) for a basic tuning, 1/2 tuning fee for pitch 
raise, and repairs etc depend on the job and time involved.

Terry Peterson
Precision Piano Service
Torrance, CA

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