
Z! Reinhardt
Wed, 6 Jun 2001 11:46:15 -0400

Why did he wait for 2 months before contacting you?  Who cares at this time
that the problem returned right after you left.  Had he called you back then
to report this, well OK, he may have a case for his unwillingness to pay for
a service charge.  But by now the "warranty period" (for lack of a better
term) has expired no matter when the problem had actually returned.

Z! Reinhardt  RPT
Ann Arbor  MI

----- Original Message -----
From: "David Ilvedson" <>
To: "pianotech" <>
Sent: Tuesday, June 05, 2001 7:05 PM
Subject: Annoying


I tuned for a customer 2 months ago and charged for pitch raise/tuning.
This is a spinet.  He had some problem which he said was like paper on the
strings.  I did something (didn't make a record of what that was) which
apparently fixed the problem at no charge.  He called me today and said
that it was making the noise again right after I left and was appalled when
I said there would be a service charge.  In hindsight this is, to quote Ron
N., "No good deed goes un-punished".  I, also in hindsight, realize I need
to add to my disclaimers...

Thanks for letting me vent!

David I.


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