
Ron Nossaman
Tue, 05 Jun 2001 18:36:52 -0500

>I tuned for a customer 2 months ago and charged for pitch raise/tuning.
>This is a spinet.  He had some problem which he said was like paper on the
>strings.  I did something (didn't make a record of what that was) which
>apparently fixed the problem at no charge.  He called me today and said
>that it was making the noise again right after I left and was appalled when
>I said there would be a service charge.  In hindsight this is, to quote Ron
>N., "No good deed goes un-punished".  I, also in hindsight, realize I need
>to add to my disclaimers...
>Thanks for letting me vent!
>David I.

Yes, but in spite of all this healthy self defensive curmudgeonliness we're
developing from this kind of thing, we forever continue to get caught -
because the other scenario is when you do some little thing in passing that
was so inconsequential you don't even remember it, and the next thing you
know three referrals call in with big jobs because you fixed that thing
that's been driving Madge nuts for ten years through six tuners, and you
must be magic! That's kind of cool when it happens, so we continue to stick
our necks out even when we should know better.

One of life's little trade offs.

Ron N

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