technician retiring

Pamela Jenkins
Tue, 05 Jun 2001 19:22:04 -0400

Here is the partial list of tools and replacement parts as I could see it from the
trunk of
a car!! WHEW!!
I guess if anyone is interested in the entire package, that's the way Mae would
like to go first.
Would make shipping so much easier, and since I will probably be the one packing
everything up, I agree.  You can contact me with bids by email.  (unless someone
has a better idea)
I am doing this gratis, and will confer with her on your offers.
Thanks! Pam Jenkins

Peterson 520 strobe tuner

2) rosewood extension hammers       several heads for tuning levers
 C tuning fork
 2/ felt mute strips
 many rubber mutes
 5/mute handles
 plastic treble mute
Regulation tools:
 back check regulator
 offset key spacer
 damper regulator
 2/combination tool handles
 grand drop screw regulator
 square capstan screw wrench
 spoon bender
 grand action spring hook
 6 piece screw driver set
 jaras key leveler
 Grand string height gauge
 key easing pliers
 pointed capstan regulator
 curved gripping forceps
 2/voicing tools
 2/packs voicing needles
 grand regulating screw driver
 punch lifter
 grand key leveling leads
 wooden rack for regulating grands
 capstan and key pin regulator
 key dip blocks (5)
Repair tools:
 electric shank bender
 tuning pin punch
 spring hole reamer
 center pin holder (full)                   3/hammer head and butt borer
 2/screw holder (rigid shaft)
 2/hammer head and butt extractor
 hammer head smoothing iron
 hammer shank reducer             gram weights
 hex head pocket tool
 telescoping magnetic pickup
 4/string and pin gauges
 2/ long slotted screwdrivers

 Universal bass strings (43)
 box of piano wire #13-22
 plastic box w/separators (screws, flanges, elbows etc
 smaller box w/action parts agraffes, shank splicer
 shoebox of key buttons
 set of round brass key pins
 medium sized box key tops
 bridal straps (various) 7 boxes
 box of damper felt
 box of front(5) and balance rail(16) felts
 2 plastic boxes of assorted punchings
 2/ back rail cloths
 grand hammer rail felt (3)
 hammer butt felts/buckskin etc.
 various upright pedal parts
 5 doz. soundboard buttons
 hammer rail springs
 hammer butt or spring rail springs
 cigar box of shanks, hammer butts, and flanges
 20 grand hinge pins
 brass desk knobs
 desk hinges
 box of various upright action parts
 rubber head nails aprox 200

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