hanging square hammers - was Keybed Inserts

Ralph & Frances Thorn pianoralph@sympatico.ca
Tue, 05 Jun 2001 19:49:23 -0400

Hello Terry,

Thanks for this info.  You'll save your sanity by going that route.
We need to save what ever sanity available when we work on squares.
'Tis a long time since I dealt with Ronson - I'll call them when I get
to my next big square project.  Just for interest, my next square is a
1828 Nunn, no plate of course, action in two sections, velum hinges
throughout to be replaced.  Yikes!!  Before that I'm doing a 1852
Kirkman 6' (fromLondon England) with bar and flat plate framing.  This
one will get hammers recovered.
Good luck with the action work on your square.

Ralph Thorn

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