pianotech-digest V2001 #699

David Ilvedson ilvey@jps.net
Mon, 04 Jun 2001 17:23:38 -0700

How about the Steinway rebuilding shop?

David I.

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On 6/4/01 at 3:41 PM toto@fovea.pndr.upenn.edu wrote:

>Any takers?
>I was recently asked this question:
>Who is the premier rebuilder of Steinway grands in the 
>northeast U.S.?  Someone whose reputation for honesty and
>top quality workmanship is beyond reproach.  Assume that you
>cannot do the job yourself and time and money are no object.
>Also assume the need for major work, such as new soundboard,
>new pinblock, new strings, and action regulation and case
>Larry Toto

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