It won't be a Steinway anymore!

DBee840388@AOL.COM DBee840388@AOL.COM
Mon, 4 Jun 2001 20:51:45 EDT

To Richard and Andre  Have been following your most interesting and 
articulate posts on wood, soundboards, etc., and understand, Mr. Brekne, your 
desire to have some kind of qualitative studies regarding this entire 
subject.  There was a fellow by the name of Dr. R. Bruce Hoadley who led a 
whole day of wood technology at one of our recent national institutes.  He is 
a real expert in this area and I'll bet he could offer some illuminating 
remarks concerning all that you and others have discussed.  I think it was 
the Providence convention where he did his thing.  I have no idea how to 
bring him into this or even where to contact him but perhaps there is someone 
here on the list that does.

Don Bee,Sr., RPT

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