hanging square hammers - was Keybed Inserts

Ralph & Frances Thorn pianoralph@sympatico.ca
Mon, 04 Jun 2001 08:21:07 -0400

Hello Terry,

As Bill suggested, there are two ways of doing the installation.  I've
done both.  Certainly check with Ronsen, who supplied me with hammers
for one project a long time ago.  Abel will make anything, too, but I
wouldn't wish to see such a nice set of hammers all cut up to fit a
square.  To glue the heads on all new shanks out of the butts, or glue
hammers onto the shanks already in the butts on the rail, that is the
decision one must make.  I've not quite made up my mind on that one.
Perhaps others with more good experience might advise (Joe Garrett?).
The shaping of the hammers to get sufficient clearance is really
brutal work, but must be done.  I've got one project lurking in my
shop that I really must get to someday - I bought the piano in '73 for
$50 and have stored it ever since.  Some projects should not be
rushed.  Actually, the board is done, bridges done, plated spayed,
case stripped.

Let us know how the scaling goes.

Ralph Thorn

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