service vehicles

Conrad Hoffsommer
Sun, 31 Dec 2000 02:40:31 -0600

At 18:44 12/30/2000 -0800, you wrote:
>Doesn't anyone but me use a pickup?
>Ed Carwithen

Moi, aussi.  I've got a '97 Chev. S10 / extended cab / third (driver side) 
door / 4.3l V6 / 5 speed, 2WD. Plenty of room to carry anything I need in 
the back, and basic tool kit goes on floor right behind me inside the 
cab.  The basic toolkit stays warm, dry and CLEAN, so I don't have to worry 
about setting it down on a white rug.  Fibreglass topper, which I use as a 
camper shell on vacation, is easily removable and I've moved pianos as 
large as a 7' Steinway and the 4.3 engine doesn't internally hemorrage - 
unlike my old LUV 4cyl did. BTW, the V6 gets better mileage than either 
that tiny LUV 4, or my old '91 with 2.9 V6 .

Conrad Hoffsommer - Luther College, Decorah, IA
Ignorance doesn't kill you, but it will make you sweat a lot.-Haitian proverb

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