stripper comparison

Sun, 31 Dec 2000 03:13:42 -0500

> Date: Saturday, December 30, 2000 12:48 PM
> Arthur,
> You mentioned you would post the results of the comparisons you were
> going to make between different finish strippers.  If you posted them to
> the list, I missed it. Have you finished your experiment?  Is the
> verdict in?
> John Voigt
> Yes, John and List, the verdict is in.

I tested Woodfinisher's Pride, Savogran NMP-based stripper, Citristrip, and
Dyna 2.

The winner, by any measure, by a huge margin is Dyna 2.

WP, Savogran, and Citripstrip are all gels.  They are prone to dripping and
sagging on vertical surfaces, must be re-applied (sometimes 3 times) to be
effective, and even then don't strip down to the bare wood.  They have a
pronounced odor (especially Citristrip) and take around 1 hour for each
application to work.

Dyna 2 is a heavy paste.  No matter how much you pile on, it will not drip
or sag.  It has extremely low odor because its NMP penetrates down into the
coating, not evaporating into the air.  It forms a skin as it works, and
one hour later, it peels off like a banana skin, revealing the bare wood.

Its green color acts like an inidicator-when it starts to turn dark brown,
it's time to test scrape with a spatula.

These tests were performed on an 1876 Knabe with the original varnish
finish-very thick and very hard.

The savings in labor and material with Dyna 2 are significant.  The virtual
absence of odor is important, as most of us work in small shops where
ventilation in the cold weather can be a problem.

Dyna 2 has been available in commercial quantities sold directly to big
industrial users.  The company has graciously allowed StarHawk Labs to be a
sort of beta tester.  They have shipped me 6, 1/2 pint containers with tech
data sheets to give to interested parties on the list.  If the feedback is
good, StarHawk will become a distributor.

Dyna 2 will cost $48/gallon.  Citristrip sells in New York for $21/half
gallon.  This makes Dyna 2 an incredible bargain, at only $6/gallon more,
for far greater performance and efficiency.

The first 6 respondents to this posting will received, free of charge, the
half pint.  I only ask that you post your opinions, good or bad.  Email
your snailmail address.

Arthur Grudko
StarHawk Labs, Manufacturer of PianoLac, the Waterborne That Works

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