Hello everyone, and Happy New Year

robert goodale rrg@nevada.edu
Fri, 29 Dec 2000 09:48:45 -0800

Hey folks,

Hope everyone had a GREAT Christmas.  I have returned since
signing off for the holiday break for a trip to the California
Central Coast to see the fam.

I got one of the most bizare gifts I have ever received.  I would
like to describe it but I'm not really certain that I can do it
justice that way.  It is directly piano related so I think that
it is fitting that I share it here.  I think the best I can do is
to take a photograph, scan it, and then post it here.  As soon as
I can I will do so and then you can all laugh at me ;-)

It's good to be back!

Rob Goodale, RPT
Las Vegas, NV

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