
Ron Nossaman RNossaman@KSCABLE.com
Fri, 29 Dec 2000 12:00:34 -0600

>> Now peoples, please don't tell me that the wood (maple or birch or
>> whatever) absorbs moisture that fast.
>Ok, I won't tell you, but I have had concert instruments go
>out faster than I can tune them when the load in door is
>opened.  Very frustrating but you do what you can.  Spruce
>absorbs moisture in five minutes or less.
>		Newton Hunt

Or when the lights are turned on and off in different combinations, or when
the furnace cycles. When it happens that quickly, it's much more likely a
temperature than humidity reaction. Spruce reacts to temperature too, as
does music wire, cast iron and (presumably) select hardwood (like what's in
my head), only the reaction to temperature is considerably faster than to

Ron N

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