When to do it-action bracket creep

thepianoarts thepianoarts@home.com
Thu, 28 Dec 2000 23:51:40 -0500

> What is action bracket creep?
> Willem 


    Forgive the non-specific answer concerning this problem, but action
bracket creep is what some Young Chang grand pianos exibited, until the
action bracket material was changed. The metal alloy was subject to
flexing-giving-growing, or in general, not doing its job of maintaining a
ridged relationship  between the key frame and the stack. The results were
(and still are, there are a bunch of 'them' still out there) just like what
you are experiencing in the vertical Yamaha.
    A typical 'bad bracket' Young Chang (or cousins  Weber-Piano Disc etc.)
would exibit no after-touch, and 6 months after correcting the problem, the
other extreme would happen...the hammers would have excessive after-touch,
and sometimes block at the wire.
    Young Chang is first class in handeling these problems, by supplying
parts (new alloy action brackets) and installation/regulation reimbursment
    An after-touch swing is the key symptom. I do 2 or 3 a year.

Dan Reed
Dallas, Texas Chapter

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