Prepping new pianos

Rob Kiddell
Thu, 28 Dec 2000 22:13:38 -0700

Hey Kristinn, 

Thanks for your thanks on the Ecsaine info, I'm in the process of re-
vamping my horribly out-of-date website.

However, I use teflon powder, not spray teflon on hammer 
knuckles... of many different makers, and no squeaks. You can 
order teflon powder from Bill Spurlock Specialty Tools 
( or buy it through a friendly DuPont 
representative, if you have one in Iceland. With spray teflon (TFL-50 
here in Canada) I do get squeaks, and have stopped using it for 
that purpose. It seems to work better on wood/felt and metal/felt 
applications, such as balance rail pins and damper wires/rail 
guides. I have had poor luck with ProTek on tight action centres, it 
frees them for a short time, and then they resume their sticking 
ways, and have not used it as much as some people have... but I 
can always be persuaded.
However, I will try some on the next Wurtilizer (Fertilizer?!?) I 
prep... on those pesky damper rails.

I've never tried Pro-Tek on knuckles, so I can't give any advice re: 
following up after teflon. 

takk kærlega,
Gott og farsælt komandi ár

(gotta love online dictionaries...)


Rob Kiddell RPT
Atonal Piano Service

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