When to do it

Ron Nossaman RNossaman@KSCABLE.com
Thu, 28 Dec 2000 22:47:01 -0600

>btw Ron... didnt mean to sound argumentative... its just that I have 5 Petrof
>uprights (biggies) at the UiB, and 2 Yamahas.. a U1 and a LU ..... both the
>Yamahas are stabile as can be... and all the Petrofs get two capstan 
>each year. 

I didn't take it as argumentative, just as moving away from the question -
which is: What (in reasonable detail) are the underlying causes of the
phenomenon? I don't have any pianos at all that move enough that I feel the
necessity of regulating capstans twice a year, so discussing a list of
symptoms again didn't seem all that productive to me. To my mind, data
should be accumulated to try to answer questions, not hone the redefinition
of symptoms. If someone were to just take a few measurements in a logically
supportive manner, this shouldn't be too tough to understand.

Ron N

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